Belgium's best is also world class!

Our fries, waffles and chocolates are not just some of the best products in Belgium, they’re also famous throughout the world. And now we’re proud to add our app to that illustrious list. But don’t take our word for it. Independent research company Sia Partners thinks so too after naming KBC Brussels Mobile ‘Best Banking App in Belgium’.
Like to have Belgium’s best banking app on your phone too?

Why we’re the best in Belgium and beyond
'I’ve just bought a house and KBC Brussels Mobile really proved its worth here. I found solutions to make our home more sustainable and energy efficient. And to top things off, I spotted a Kate Deal that gave me a discount on exactly the DIY materials I needed!"

"When my wallet was stolen, Kate was there to help me block my cards and apply for new ones. Best of all, my new cards were accessible right away in KBC Brussels Mobile which meant I could go shopping the same day as planned!"

"I spent last weekend at the seaside with the girls. We kept track of our shared expenses in KBC Brussels Mobile and later simply split them so everyone could pay their share of the bill. Not only that, we also picked up a tasty Kate Deal for the restaurant we had dinner at!"

‘I was involved in an accident with my car last week. Fortunately, I was able to report the damage really quickly using KBC Brussels Mobile and could even upload photos. Now my car’s in the garage for repairs, I manage my transport needs with KBC Brussels Mobile just as quickly too.’