Unexpected expenses. You'd rather not have to deal with them, because they generally take up a large part of your budget. A budget that you'd rather not touch... or simply don't have right now. With a loan you can pay for these unexpected expenses at your own pace, so you don't have to put off your well-earned holiday or other plans.
Borrowing to cover unexpected renovation expenses
What if you find you have problems with damp in your living room because your roof is leaking? Or you find yourself wading through water in your basement because the pipe of your rainwater pump has gone rusty and burst? With a renovation loan you can soon take care of your repairs or improvements. All you need to apply is the quote or bill. Applications with KBC Brussels Touch and KBC Brussels Mobile are limited to 50,000 euros. If you need to borrow more, make an appointment with KBC Brussels Live. You repay the same amount each month.
Borrowing to cover sudden energy expenses

What if your boiler is playing up and you're replacing it with a new, energy-efficient version or a heat pump? Or you find that the house you bought in the summer barely keeps out the cold in winter? Provided that at least 50% of your unforeseen expenses are for energy-efficiency purposes, you can take out a KBC Brussels Energy Loan. You repay it over a maximum of 10 years, with no arrangement or management fee.
Borrowing to cover unexpected expenses for your home

What if your oven, freezer or washing machine stops working? Or the repairman from your supplier tells you that he needs to install a new motor to get your electric garage door or gate working again? A minor expense, but still big enough that you can't come up with the money straight away. For unexpected expenses of 500 euros or more, there's the personal loan. You don't need a bill to apply and you repay the same amount each month.