Insurance for your child
Children may be bundles of joy, but they can cause the occasional headache if they happen to fall, run into something or accidentally kick a ball through a window. In short, accidents can happen in a split second. These insurance products offer a little more peace of mind if you have one or more toddlers, children or teenagers in the house.
If you have one of the following insurance products and you’re expecting a baby, you should make sure to add your child to your policy. Whether or not your premium changes as a result depends on your insurance.
Hospitalisation insurance
Once your child has been born, get your insurer to add them to your hospitalisation insurance. There’s no waiting period and a medical questionnaire is not required.
Life insurance
Life insurance allows you to designate one or more beneficiaries and to add a newborn baby to that group.
Accident insurance
Once your first child has been born, get your insurer to add them to your insurance. If you have a second child, you don't need to update your cover.
Family insurance
If your child (accidentally) causes physical injury or material damage to others, you may be held liable for the costs. For example, if your child smashes a neighbour's window with a ball or causes a cyclist to fall, family insurance will cover it.
Damage caused by intentional fault is also covered until your child turns 16. They are even covered in some cases for damage caused by gross negligence until they turn 18.
Bicycle insurance
While you might not need this insurance when your child is first born, once your teen starts riding a new pedal or electric bike, bicycle insurance can come in very handy. It covers theft or damage to the bike, for example.
Accident insurance
After a serious accident, the costs can quickly stack up. For instance, long-term rehabilitation may be required or adjustments may have to be made to your home in the event of (permanent) disability. These expenses are not covered by your health insurance fund or hospitalisation insurance.
Accident insurance reimburses expenses like the cost of medical treatment for up to five years after an accident.
Car insurance
If your son or daughter occasionally drives your car, you should ask your insurer to add your child as a named driver on your car insurance. This may cause your premium to change. If your child has their own car, they’ll need their own car insurance, of course.
Pet insurance for your dog
Even if your dog has a very
good relationship with your children,
you can’t always predict its behaviour.
Pet insurance for your dog
can protect you against the financial consequences if your four-legged friend
injures a family member or someone else.