Save for your hospitalisation premiums

KBC Hospitalisation Plan

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Save for your hospitalisation premiums

KBC Hospitalisation Plan

Savings plan with fixed interest return

A fixed interest return is guaranteed on each net deposit you make, up to the end of the guarantee period. In addition, KBC Brussels can grant a profit share if its results allow.

Pay your hospitalisation insurance premiums

You can use your reserve to arrange payment of your current and future hospitalisation insurance premiums

If you're insured through your work

That's great! For now, you'll just be saving. If your current insurance membership stops, you don't need medical acceptance to then activate your hospitalisation cover.

Good reasons to choose a KBC Hospitalisation Plan

The costs of a stay in hospital can quickly mount. Hospitalisation insurance relieves you of a good portion of the financial burden. Except, those premiums often get more expensive the older you get. A hospitalisation plan is a form of guaranteed-interest savings insurance that lets you build up a reserve from which you can arrange payment of those higher premiums for your KBC Hospitalisation Insurance. Thus, you minimise the effort you have to make to pay those more expensive premiums at a later age.

Even if you now have collective hospitalisation insurance through your work, a hospitalisation plan is certainly useful to have. If you should no longer be covered by your collective insurance, you can still rely on getting an affordable hospitalisation policy from KBC Insurance – for the rest of your life.

How the hospitalisation plan works

  • You save money in a guaranteed-interest savings insurance plan, building up a reserve that you can use, now or in the future, to fund the premiums for a hospitalisation insurance policy that you take out with KBC Brussels. If you don't yet have hospitalisation insurance through your work, you can start up a KBC Hospitalisation Insurance straight away. If you are presently covered by a collective insurance policy, you only need to activate your individual hospitalisation policy with KBC Insurance when you stop being covered by the collective insurance, such as if you quit your job or take retirement.
  • Each deposit into the Hospitalisation Plan earns interest at a fixed rate up until the end of the guarantee period. At present, the rate is 2.00%, and this is guaranteed until 30 November 2048. The guaranteed rate may change for future payments.
  • You can withdraw funds from the reserve accumulated under the Hospitalisation Plan in order to pay the hospitalisation insurance premium for you and your family. You remain the owner of the accumulated reserve, which means you can withdraw the reserve whenever you want, though, within the first eight years, a surrender charge and withholding tax will be due. No surrender charge is due on withdrawals you make in order to finance your hospitalisation policies. If you do not need to activate the hospitalisation insurance by your planned retirement age, you can withdraw the entire reserve at no charge within 60 days of legal retirement, early retirement or bridging retirement. In the event of your death, the reserve is paid out to your named beneficiary.
  • Medical acceptance procedures may have to be gone through when taking out a Hospitalisation Plan. If you only activate the hospitalisation insurance later, under the conditions laid down in the Hospitalisation Plan, you do not need to undergo a new medical examination at that time.
  • The amount of your deposit is based on the age you join up, your choice of a single or double room, the activation date and the deductible under the hospitalisation insurance. It is set at a target amount intended to accumulate a reserve that is sufficient to continue financing the hospitalisation premium.

Information about sustainability

This product promotes environmental and social characteristics that allow contributing to a positive impact on the environment or society, but does not have a sustainable investment as an objective. Moreover, we strive to limit any negative impact on the environment or society based on a responsible investment policy. More information can be found in your info sheet.

Label Towards Sustainability

This product was awarded the ‘Towards Sustainability’ label for a period of one year. The label, which was developed by Febelfin (the Belgian banking federation), is re-evaluated every year. It is a quality standard under the supervision of the Central Labelling Agency of the Belgian SRI Label (CLA). The standard defines several minimum requirements that sustainable financial products must meet at product level and in the investment process. See for more details. Products that are awarded this label may not meet your own sustainability objectives and the label itself may not necessarily meet the requirements of future national or European regulations. Learn more at


  • Entry: 5% of each deposit after withholding insurance tax.
  • Management: none
  • Exit: 5%, but free of charge
    • for withdrawals serving to finance the hospitalisation insurance
    • if you withdraw the full reserve within 60 days of your legal retirement, early retirement or bridging retirement
    • if you make a withdrawal in order to contribute to the deductible in the case of a hospital admission.
  • Insurance tax of 2% is due by Belgian inhabitants..
  • Withholding tax: only for withdrawals from the reserve within the first eight years of the contract. The withholding tax is 30% and is due on a fictional calculation basis in which deposits bear deemed interest of 4.75%.Note that the tax rules may change in the future.

Frequently asked questions

Yes, you can. Withholding tax at 30% applies (if you cash in your plan within the first eight years), plus an exit fee of 5%. Cashing in your plan early is only free of charge if you do so within 60 days of retiring.

The KBC Hospitalisation Plan does not have a maturity date. The insurance ends when the insured person dies. The beneficiary then receives the amount that's been saved plus a guaranteed minimum return, which may be supplemented by an annual profit share, depending on KBC Insurance's results.

Yes. Our Hospitalisation Plan is covered by the Guarantee Fund for Financial Services, the Belgian deposit-protection scheme for life insurance with a guaranteed return. Your savings are protected up to 100 000 euros per policyholder.

No. The net deposits you make earn a fixed rate of interest that’s guaranteed until the end of the guarantee period. That’s currently 2.00% and guaranteed until 30 November 2048.

Yes. You put your money into a savings plan in the form of a life insurance policy.

More things you need to know

  • The KBC Hospitalisation Plan is a guaranteed interest (class 21) savings insurance under which the investment risk is borne by KBC Insurance. This product is covered by the Belgian deposit-protection scheme for guaranteed-interest life insurance (class 21). The scheme is triggered if it is established that KBC Insurance has defaulted. The protection currently amounts to 100,000 euros per policyholder for all reserves combined that are held with KBC Insurance under protected guaranteed-interest life insurance contracts. This product can only be taken out by individuals.
  • Term: life-long. The reserve is paid out in the event of the insured's death.
  • Periodic premium payments, minimum 12.50 euros per month.
  • This product is governed by the laws of Belgium.
  • Your intermediary is your first point of contact for any questions and complaints you may have. You may also e-mail complaints to, tel. 016 43 25 94 or send them to the Insurance Ombudsman, de Meeûssquare 35, 1000 Brussels, e-mail:
  • Contact your Insurance Expert to request a quotation for KBC Hospitalisation Plan.
  • KBC Insurance NV – Professor Roger Van Overstraetenplein 2 – 3000 Leuven – Belgium – VAT No. BE 0403.552.563 – RLP Leuven – IBAN BE43 7300 0420 0601 – BIC KREDBEBB. Insurance company belonging to the KBC Group and licensed for all insurance classes under code 0014 (Royal Decree of 4 July 1979, Belgian Official Gazette of 14 July 1979) by the National Bank of Belgium, de Berlaimontlaan 14, 1000 Brussels, Belgium.

Detailed information on this product can be found in the product fact sheet, the key information document and the general conditions

Your intermediary: KBC Brussels, part of KBC Bank NV – Havenlaan 2 – 1080 Brussels – Belgium
VAT BE 0462.920.226 – RLP Brussels – IBAN BE98 7300 0000 0083 – BIC KREDBEBB – FSMA 026256 A, tied agent of KBC Insurance NV
Member of the KBC Group

Detailed information on this product can be found in the product fact sheet, the key information document and the general conditions

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