My assets

Select Savings & investments to the left of the screen to get an immediate overview of your savings and investment products.
At the top, you can see your assets and at the bottom, other people's savings and investment products you are allowed to view (e.g., persons who have granted you power of attorney or under-age children).
Tap or click the tile with the graph showing your assets to see them in more detail.
More possibilities with Saving and investing
Click or tap the Menu button at the top of the screen for additional options. For instance, these are 'automatic payments', 'subscribing to term investments' and 'tax-effective pension accumulation' in Savings & investments.
Asset detail

This is where you see your assets in greater detail. You can instantly see how much your assets are worth, neatly broken down into liquid assets, fixed-income products, funds and shares.
Clicking or tapping one of those product categories enables you to see more details on that category.
Savings calculator
Looking to withdraw money from your savings account? Use the Savings Calculator first to simulate the transfer and find out instantly how it affects your base rate of interest and fidelity bonus.
You can also request a report containing full details of the calculation.
Basic transactions in savings and investment products
Online transactions
The following transactions are in your full control in KBC Brussels Touch:
- Opening a new savings account
- Subscribing to term investments
- Adding deposits to tax-advantageous savings and investment products
- Changing standing orders under your investment plan
You'll find these transactions in the menu top right.
Transactions via text or video chat
To buy or sell other products, you can contact a KBC Brussels adviser by text or video chat at any time, even outside office hours.
Just select a product tile and, on the product details page, opt for 'Submit order' at the bottom.
The KBC Brussels Live's Wealth Management specialists are available
- Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
- Saturday from 9 a.m. to 12 noon