What risks should you insure against?
Even though dogs were the first species to be domesticated, they are still animals, which means that unfortunately it's not possible to rule out all risks. These often involve major consequences: a large number of dog-bite cases involving children result in facial injuries, and in 85% of all such incidents the dog involved is familiar to the child. You should therefore always take the following into account:
- Some dogs don't just bark, they bite, too. Whether it's unassuming passers-by or innocent toddlers that get bitten, it's generally a complete surprise.
- Your dog can also unintentionally cause a traffic accident, or even fall victim to an accident. Just think of unexpected manoeuvres or traffic noises that could startle your dog and cause it to run away in blind fear.
- Large dogs are surprisingly powerful. An accident while playing with the girl next door can happen in a split second: a contusion, a broken leg ... it occurs more often than you think.
Family insurance: the solution to many different risks
The risks discussed above can also come with a hefty bill if you are not insured. Our family insurance covers the physical, material and immaterial damage you cause to third parties in your private life.
If your dog causes loss, damage or injury to another individual, you are usually liable. Family insurance then provides compensation to the victim.
Go for the total package

Personal liability insurance covers the damage to a third party (somebody outside your family) that you are liable for as the owner of the dog. Insuring your dog allows you to go a step further: if your dog bites somebody (regardless of who they are) and that person sustains a bodily injury, this is covered by the insurer.
If you are a dog owner, we therefore advise you to also select the 'Insurance for your dog' option on your family insurance. That way, you will have peace of mind whenever you take your dog out for a walk, and you won't need to worry about any financial losses caused by your dog. And all this, comes at an additional premium of approximately 45 euros a year.
What does it cover?
- There's always a chance that your dog might fall victim to a traffic accident. In that case, we compensate the veterinary fees (up to 2 000 euros). What if your dog is killed in traffic? Then we compensate you for the cremation expenses up to 500 euros, as well as the purchase of an equivalent newborn pup.
- What if your dog bites somebody? We then provide compensation for the bodily injury, regardless of liability. Anyone who gets bitten is protected, whoever they are: whether a family member, a grandchild, your babysitter, the postman, etc.
- If a family member is admitted to hospital and nobody is able to look after the dog as a result, we provide up to 500 euros to compensate the cost of sending the dog to a kennel. Given an average cost of 10 to 15 euros per day, that corresponds to a stay of 30 to 50 days.
- What if another dog bites someone in your family? In that case, too, we compensate any bodily injuries, even if the dog's owner is never tracked down or they are unable to pay for the damage.
What doesn't it cover?
Insurance for your dog provides protection with without dispute, even if there is provocation involved (for example, if the little girl next door pulls on your dog's tail and is bitten as a result). There are just a few risks that are not covered. For instance, you may not take out insurance for your dog if you breed or own dogs for professional purposes. Accidents that your dog falls victim to that do not involve traffic (such as fights with other dogs, or drowning) and medical expenses due to sickness are not covered either.
Tip: Did you know that KBC Brussels dog insurance has no deductible? What's more, even owners of multiple dogs can rest easy, as all dogs are covered by the same policy for a premium of approximately 45 euros per year!
Additional KBC Family Insurance information
What is and isn’t covered?
- Loss, damage or injury caused to other individuals
We will compensate the person who suffered the loss, damage or injury. The policy also covers any loss, damage or injury caused by your animals to other individuals.
- Loss, damage or injury caused by the actions of another person
If you take out personal legal assistance insurance, we’ll help you get compensation from the liable party. If they are unable to pay, we’ll pay up to 12,500 euros in compensation. This figure is doubled in the case of bodily injuries.
Not covered
- Loss, damage or injury that you cause to yourself or family members
- Loss, damage or injury caused by misconduct on the part of a member of your family aged 18 or older (e.g., acts of violence, theft, vandalism)
- Loss, damage or injury caused intentionally by a member of your family aged 16 or older
- Loss, damage or injury caused by your riding horses or by animals that you, as a private individual residing in Belgium, are not allowed to keep
- Fines and out-of-court settlements
- Disputes in which you are involved as the owner or driver of a motor vehicle that is subject to compulsory motor insurance
Good to know
- This product is governed by the laws of Belgium.
- Insurance cover under this policy is valid for a term of one year and is tacitly renewed unless you terminate it no later than three months before the main renewal date.
- Your intermediary is the first point of contact for any complaints you may have. If no agreement can be reached, please contact KBC Complaints Management: Brusselsesteenweg 100, 3000 Leuven, complaints@kbc.be, tel. 016 43 25 94. If you cannot find a suitable solution, you can contact the Insurance Ombudsman Service: de Meeûssquare 35, 1000 Brussels, info@ombudsman-insurance.be, www.ombudsman-insurance.be.
This does not affect your legal rights.
Please go to www.kbcbrussels.be, use KBC Brussels Touch or KBC Brussels Mobile, or contact your Insurance Expert to get a premium calculation for your KBC Family Insurance.
KBC Family Insurance is a product of KBC Insurance NV – Professor Roger Van Overstraetenplein 2 – 3000 Leuven – Belgium
VAT BE 0403.552.563 – RLP Leuven – IBAN BE43 7300 0420 0601 – BIC KREDBEBB
Company authorised for all classes of insurance under code 0014 (Royal Decree of 4 July 1979; Belgian Official Gazette, 14 July 1979) by the National Bank of Belgium, De Berlaimontlaan 14, 1000 Brussels, Belgium.
Member of the KBC group