Sending registered e-mails
- 4.85 euros per e-mail
- The recipient’s e-mail address is all you need
- You receive a delivery receipt and you can track your e-mail in KBC Brussels Mobile
- Business owners also receive an invoice after delivery
You can easily send important information by registered e-mail in KBC Brussels Mobile, either in your name or that of your business. Once the e-mail has been sent, you can easily track its status in the overview screen of this service. Our partner IPEX will also ensure that everything runs smoothly and safely. It couldn’t be easier!
Why would you send a registered e-mail?
There are plenty of situations when you should send a registered e-mail. Just a few that spring to mind are when you need to write to your contractor, serve notice of default to parties failing to meet their payment obligations, cancel your tenancy or report problems with your (rented) property. It’s also important to know that you can upload attachments up to 10 MB in size (including photos you take and upload with your smartphone).
How much does a registered e-mail cost?
Sending a registered e-mail with KBC Brussels Mobile costs 4.85 euros. The recipient can either refuse or accept the registered e-mail and read it in their mailbox.
Remember that a registered e-mail differs from a registered letter.
How do you send a registered e-mail?
1. Open KBC Brussels Mobile and tap ‘Additional services’
2. Scroll to ‘Administration’ and tap ‘Registered e-mails’ (if you run your own business, scroll to ‘For your business’ and tap ‘Registered e-mails’)
3. Draw up your e-mail, fill in the delivery details and send your e-mail
4. Our partner IPEX notifies the recipient
5. Track the status of your registered e-mail in the overview screen
Good to know: you and others running their own business can also use this service in KBC Brussels Touch. Log in to KBC Brussels Touch, tap or click ‘Additional services’ and select ‘Registered e-mails’.
Invoices for businesses
If you have a business account with us, you can choose between sending the e-mail in your name or that of your business. If you choose the ‘For my business’ option, you will also receive an invoice after sending your registered e-mail.
Collaboration with IPEX
KBC Brussels works in association with IPEX for the processing of registered e-mails. IPEX specialises in a number of areas, including sending electronically registered e-mails. KBC Brussels forwards the registered e-mails to IPEX, which in turn transmits them to the addressee.