Request your PIN
When you ask us for a new debit, credit or prepaid card, it’s sent to your home address. That means you don’t need to collect it in person from your branch.
You can get a PIN for your card by text message or using our KBC Brussels Mobile app. Or feel free to ask Kate, your digital assistant in KBC Brussels Mobile, to request one for you.
How do I get my PIN?
Once you’ve received your new card, you have up to 60 days to check the new card’s PIN in KBC Brussels Mobile, where you can view it until you change it or request a new one.
- Log in to KBC Brussels Mobile
- Tap ‘My KBC’
- Scroll to ‘Means of payment’ and select your new card
- Tap ‘Manage PIN’
- Tap ‘View PIN’ and follow the instructions
Your PIN is not saved on your phone, so you’ll need to repeat the steps above to view it again.
Text your personal number combination to 2446. This combination consists of your date of birth (in the form ddmmyyyy) and the four digits appearing in the letter accompanying your payment card. So, your text message should only contain 12 digits. Do not include any additional words, spaces, digits or full stops.
We will then text you the PIN required for activating your card. You can change the PIN afterwards again at any ATM. For security reasons, delete the message containing your PIN as quickly as possible.
Text messages sent by KBC Brussels are free of charge. When you text us, you only pay what your mobile operator charges for a text message.
In that case, clearly indicate when applying for your card that you want the PIN to be posted to your home address. Once you receive it, you can choose a new PIN at a KBC Brussels ATM.
Additional information is provided below for text messages you might receive from us.
KBC Brussels info: Your new card is on its way to you by post, along with instructions on how to retrieve your PIN.
Your new payment card has been posted to you. This card has a new PIN, which will be texted to you after you have sent us a text message containing your personal number combination. The instructions for this are in the letter accompanying your new card. For security reasons, it is important that you use the mobile phone number known to us.
KBC Brussels info: You received your new card. Retrieve your PIN before [dd/mm]. Follow the instructions accompanying your card. Got any questions? Call KBC Brussels Live on 02 303 31 60.
We’ve posted your new payment card to you. This card has a new PIN, which will be texted to you after you have sent us a text message containing your personal number combination. The instructions for retrieving your PIN are in the letter accompanying your new card. For security reasons, you must do this before the date given in our text message, otherwise you won’t be able to receive it by text message. If you’re unable to do so, contact KBC Brussels Live.
KBC Brussels info: Your PIN is [PIN]. You can change it at an ATM. It’s important that you delete this text message to prevent improper use.
You can change your PIN at any ATM, replacing it with one that is easier to remember. Avoid using obvious combinations of numbers, such as dates of birth, telephone numbers or sequences like ‘1234’. Delete the text message containing your PIN as quickly as possible to prevent misuse.
KBC Brussels info: You’ve already sent a text message containing your personal number combination. Your request is being processed and you will receive your PIN soon.
We’ve received the text message containing your personal number combination and are now processing it. You’ll receive another text message from us containing your new payment card’s PIN in due course.
KBC Brussels info: Confirmation that your PIN was sent on [dd/mm]. Be sure to delete the text message containing the PIN. Have a problem? Call KBC Brussels Live on 02 303 31 60.
For security reasons, a confirmation reminder will be sent to you within two hours of you receiving the text message containing the PIN. This helps us prevent someone else from retrieving the PIN.
KBC Brussels info: You can no longer retrieve your new card's PIN by text message. Drop by your branch to get your PIN.
We sent you your new payment card by post. For security reasons, you must retrieve your PIN by text message within seven days. If you were unable to do so, drop by your KBC Brussels branch. A member of staff there can arrange for you to choose a new PIN at a KBC Brussels ATM or arrange for a letter containing a new PIN to be sent to your home address.
KBC Brussels info: This mobile phone number is not in our records. Please refer to the letter accompanying your card.
For security reasons, you can only retrieve your PIN using a mobile phone number known to us. We sent this text message to that number a few days ago: ‘KBC Brussels info: Your new card is on its way to you by post, along with instructions on how to retrieve your PIN.’
KBC Brussels info: You texted an incorrect combination. Please refer to the instructions accompanying your new card and try again. Got any questions? Call KBC Brussels Live on 02 303 31 60.
To receive your PIN by text message, text your personal number combination to 2446. This combination consists of your date of birth (in the form ddmmyyyy) plus the four digits appearing in the letter accompanying your new payment card. Do not include any additional words, digits or spaces in your text message.
KBC Brussels info: You texted an incorrect combination for the third time. You have no more attempts left. Drop by your branch to get your PIN.
You’ve sent an incorrect password three times. For security reasons, you can no longer retrieve your PIN using your mobile phone. Please contact your KBC Brussels branch. A member of staff there can arrange for you to choose a new PIN at a KBC Brussels ATM or arrange for a letter containing a new PIN to be sent to your home address.
KBC Brussels info: Due to technical difficulties, you cannot retrieve your PIN by text message. Please drop by your branch. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Due to problems at our end, you cannot retrieve your PIN by text message. Please contact your KBC Brussels branch. A member of staff there can arrange for you to choose a new PIN at a KBC Brussels ATM or arrange for a letter containing a new PIN to be sent to your home address.
KBC Brussels info: The PIN for your new card has already been retrieved. To get a new PIN, please drop by your branch.
For security reasons, you may only request your PIN once per card by text message. If you end up requiring a new PIN because you’ve forgotten your old one, please get in touch with your KBC Brussels branch. A member of staff there can arrange for you to choose a new PIN at a KBC Brussels ATM or arrange for a letter containing a new PIN to be sent to your home address.
Kate is also there to help you request a new PIN
If you need a new PIN, feel free to ask Kate, your digital assistant in KBC Brussels Mobile, to request one for you.