Was one of your employees the victim of an accident at work?
Read more about how to report an occupational accident below.

1. Your employee reports the accident to you
The employee reports the accident to you as soon as possible, even if they are not immediately affected by the accident and don’t have to interrupt their work. In this way, we avoid discussions if your employee should experience problems at a later stage as a result of the accident. Ask to bring in a medical certificate as soon as possible. KBC Brussels needs it to assess the occupational accident.
2. You inform KBC Brussels
Within 8 days of the industrial accident, you report this accident to KBC Brussels. Provide as detailed a description as possible of the accident. There are several ways to do this:
Report your industrial accident digitally
With our handy digital tool for reporting and tracking industrial accidents, you can file your claim even more easily and quickly in your KBC Brussels Touch and KBC Brussels Business Dashboard.
You can count on many interesting benefits
- Based on what you fill in, the next questions are determined, as a result of which filing a claim has become much easier
- You can upload all necessary documents both when you’re filing the claim and until the claim file has been settled
- Thanks to Track & Trace, you get a clear view of all your claims and claim files at any given time
- You can count on extensive support via various instructional videos and demos, FAQ, our helpdesk, etc. And of course, your insurance agent is also always there for you
Curious as to how it works?
Be sure to watch our practical demo video (in Dutch). This overview immediately shows you what to expect:

1. | Log in to Touch | 0:01 |
2. | Log in to Business Dashboard | 0:55 |
3. | Configuration | 1:27 |
4. | Intro | 3:36 |
5. | Employer | 4:06 |
6. | Employee | 6:37 |
7. | Accident | 13:50 |
8. | Injury | 21:10 |
9. | Prevention | 26:31 |
10. | Employment contract | 28:12 |
11. | Upload documents | 33:33 |
12. | Send report & acknowledgement of receipt | 36:47 |
13. | Track & Trace | 37:47 |
14. | Overview screen | 43:11 |
15. | Model forms | 45:35 |
16. | FAQ | 46:32 |
17. | Help | 47:00 |
Like to learn more?
There is a lot of useful info here (in Dutch):

The 'Social risk declaration' (ASR) application
If you already have access to the federal government's 'Social risk declaration' (ASR) application, file the report here: ASR: About ASR Occupational Accidents- Social Security (in Dutch).
Paper-based report
To do this, use the Reporting an occupational accident form (in Dutch).
Send the report by post to:
KBC Insurance NV
Attn. Industrial Accidents Department
Professor Roger Van Overstraetenplein 2
3000 Leuven
3. Provide us with the necessary documents
What we need
- Medical certificate completed by the emergency doctor or your family doctor. The employee should send it, preferably as soon as possible, directly to us or deliver it to you. In the latter case, you send it to us together with the report
- Temporary work disability certificate drawn up by your employee's attending physician
- A copy of the most recent pay slip provided by either you or your employee
How to send us the documents
Paper-based report
If you filed the report on paper, you or your employee send the medical documents by post to:
KBC Insurance NV
t.a.v. dienst Arbeidsongevallen
Professor Roger Van Overstraetenplein 2
3000 Leuven
If you already know your file number, please mention it on the cover of your letter.
You may e-mail any other non-medical documents to us at schade@kbc.be.
Always include the file number together with your first name and surname in the subject line of the e-mail.
4. KBC Brussels decides whether or not it acknowledges the accident as occupational accident
As soon as we have received all of the requested documents, we determine whether or not to acknowledge your accident as occupational accident. We will inform you and your employee of this decision.
5. KBC Brussels acknowledges the occupational accident
If KBC Brussels acknowledges the occupational accident, we refund the expenses. Remind your employee to keep a record of their expenses. Also read our detailed brochure for victims. Various situations are possible:
KBC Brussels covers the medical expenses resulting from the occupational accident such as:
• Consultations with the family doctor
• Purchase of medicines
• Travel expenses
To submit travel expenses, your employee should use this form. The original documents of the expenses and the certificates of assistance provided may be sent by post to KBC Insurance NV, attn dienst Arbeidsongevallen, Professor Roger Van Overstraetenplein 2, 3000 Leuven.
We pay compensation for temporary work disability. For the first 30 days following the accident, you as employer pay the guaranteed pay, which KBC refunds to you. After that, KBC pays compensation to your employee.
Your employee provides us with a temporary work disability certificate as soon as possible, stating the period(s) of absence.
We also provide compensation for the medical expenses resulting from the occupational accident such as:
• Consultations with the family doctor
• Purchase of medicines
• Travel expenses
To submit travel expenses, your employee should use this form. The original documents of the expenses and the certificates of assistance provided may be sent by post to KBC Insurance NV, attn dienst Arbeidsongevallen, Professor Roger Van Overstraetenplein 2, 3000 Leuven.
For the first 30 days following the accident, you as employer pay the guaranteed pay, which KBC refunds to you. After that, KBC Brussels pays compensation to your employe
We invite your employee for an examination by the consulting physician who determines the degree of permanent work disability as soon as it is possible. Your employee receives monthly or annual compensation for this permanent work disability, the amount of which depends on the degree of disability attributed to the injuries.
We also provide compensation for the medical expenses resulting from your occupational accident such as:
• Consultations with the family doctor
• Purchase of medicines
• Travel expenses
To submit travel expenses, your employee should use this form. The original documents of the expenses and the certificates of assistance provided may be sent by post to KBC Insurance NV, attn dienst Arbeidsongevallen, Professor Roger Van Overstraetenplein 2, 3000 Leuven.
6. KBC Brussels does not acknowledge the occupational accident
We inform Fedris, the Federal Agency for Occupational Risks, of our decision.
If your employee does not agree with this decision, they can bring the file before the labour court.
Visit the Fedris website (in Dutch or French) for more details on occupational accidents.
7. KBC Brussels does not acknowledge the occupational accident for the time being
We examine the file. At that time, we do not refund any expenses nor do we pay compensation for temporary work disability. Your employee must inform the health insurance fund about the occupational accident and work disability, and submit the expenses to the health insurance fund for the time being. There are various possible situations:
We then refund the expenses, including those already incurred.
More info on temporary and permanent work disability, and the acknowledgment of the occupational accident can be found under point 5.
We inform Fedris, the Federal Agency for Occupational Risks, of our decision. If your employee does not agree with this decision, they can bring the file before the labour court. Visit the Fedris website (in Dutch or French) for more details on occupational accidents.
8.. Additional obligations
Occupational accidents with at least 4 calendar days of absence from work: accident report
If your employee is unable to work for at least 4 calendar days (not counting the day of the accident), a health, safety & security adviser must investigate the accident and draw up an accident report. The adviser will suggest appropriate measures to prevent similar accidents from occurring in the future.
To investigate an occupational accident, you can also contact your external workplace prevention department.
In case of serious occupational accidents: additional reporting obligation
If your health, safety & security adviser or KBC Insurance indicates that it concerns a serious occupational accident, you must send a detailed report to the Supervision of Well-being at Work department of the Federal Public Service for Employment, Labour and Social Dialogue (FPS ELSD) within 10 calendar days following the occupational accident.
Moreover, in case of a fatal accident or an accident that causes a permanent injury, you must immediately report this serious accident to the same Federal Public Service.
To determine whether it concerns a serious accident, you can visit this website.
Any questions?
Contact your KBC Insurance agent or your KBC Brussels file manager on + 32 16 24 33 65. We’re here to help.
Available documents:
- Brochure for victims
- Medical certificate
- Travel expenses form
- Reporting an occupational accident form
in Dutch: Formulier aangifte arbeidsongeval
in French: Formulaire de déclaration d'un accident de travail